Nu stiu cine e tipul care tocmai vorbeste acolo, dar mi se pare ca scoate duma dupa duma:
“a unit oameni din toate colturile lumii: Japonia, Franta, Ohio, Pennsylvania…”
“nu ar fi fost posibil ca oamenii sa voteze un presedinte de culoare (Obama) fara ceea ce a facut Michael. El a facut ca asta sa fie posibil”
Nu MJ este oare cel caruia i-a fost rusine cu cine era si s-a operat pana a reusit sa fie ALB?
Ca sa nu mai vorbim de Loredana, cu “religia Michael Jackson abia a aparut”…
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# Michael Jackson was diagnosed in 1986 with vitiligo and lupus; the latter was potentially lethal but was in remission in Jackson’s case.[15] In a 90-minute interview with Oprah Winfrey in February 1993, Jackson dismissed suggestions that he bleached his skin, admitting for the first time that he had the illness. The admission went on to promote awareness of vitiligo, a relatively unknown condition before then.[16][17][18][19] After his death, a friend claimed he started wearing his signature sequin glove to cover the vitiligo that had begun to appear.[20]