Niste turisti la tara
Niste turisti la tara: Ea: – Iubitule, peisajul asta ma lasa muta. El: – Perfect, campam aici.
Niste turisti la tara: Ea: – Iubitule, peisajul asta ma lasa muta. El: – Perfect, campam aici.
Un filozof intra într-un bar: – Da-mi zece pahare de whisky, zice el catre barman. Barmanul: – Esti sigur, chiar vrei zece? – Absolut, zece vreau. Barmanul îi da 10…
– Doamnelor si domnilor, avionul nostru se va prabusi in ocean si in jur e plin de rechini. Luati de sub scaune vestele de salvare si cutiuta cu crema. Trebuie…
Son of Bill Gates asks his father: – Dad, I’d like to try to have sex, what should I do? – That’s simple, sonny. Just take the biggest car from…
There was this couple that had been married for 20 years. Every time they made love the husband always insisted on shutting off the light. Well, after 20 years the…
Un tip vine acasa si-si gaseste sotia dezbracata pe hol facand spagatul . -Ce faci aici draga, intreaba sotul ? -Uite dragul meu ! Am facut yoga aici pe hol…