– Doamnelor si domnilor, avionul nostru se va prabusi in ocean si in jur e plin de rechini. Luati de sub scaune vestele de salvare si cutiuta cu crema. Trebuie…
There was this couple that had been married for 20 years. Every time they made love the husband always insisted on shutting off the light. Well, after 20 years the…
Un tip vine acasa si-si gaseste sotia dezbracata pe hol facand spagatul . -Ce faci aici draga, intreaba sotul ? -Uite dragul meu ! Am facut yoga aici pe hol…
Un rocker ajunge dimineata acasa beat manga, si da peste maica-sa in bucatarie. – Mamaaaaaaaaa! Mi-e raaaaaauuuuu…. – Ce sa-ti dau dragul mamii ca sa-ti treaca? – Pune-mi o manea,…